Saturday, May 8, 2010


H appy Mother's Day to my dear Mum,
A uthor of my personality:
P leased, I hope, with what you read in me;
P leased, I hope, with episodes to come.
Y et now I, too, would get some pleasure from
M aking you the book in which I see,
O f all the players in my family,
T he central character, whom I would plumb.
H ow beautiful to move in that direction!
E ach to each a separate source of pleasure,
R eading in the other's happiness,
' Mid much description, underlying love.
S o would we deepen the connection,
D iscovering new passages to treasure
A s we follow time towards tenderness,
Y earning for what years unread will prove.

 pengorbanan seorang ibu

Jasa Bonda (warisan)

Di saat kau lena dia berjaga
Kau bersenang dia bekerja
Untuk mu tiada terbatas
Memberi tidak minta dibalas
Ingin dibinanya untuk mu
Kehidupan yang sempurna
Punya kekuatan jiwa
Punyai maruah

( 1 )
Leterannya dari rasa luhur
Menegur sebelum terlanjur
Itulah yang diwarisi
Pesan ibu terpahat di hati
Beringat-ingatlah berpesan pesan
Untuk kebaikan
Marah bukan kebencian
Tapi tanda sayang

( 2 )
Engkau semakin dewasa
Berjiwa merdeka
Sedang dia semakin tua
Membilang usia
Di saat kau berjaya
Dia tiada berdaya
Semoga kau tak lupa
Jasa bonda

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